iWatch Starts Early Production?

iWatch Mockup by Eric Huisman

iWatch Mockup by Eric Huisman

Apple’s rumored upcoming wearable computing device, the iWatch, is purportedly already in early production in preparation for launch during the second half of 2014. Although the date is still unknown, China Times is reporting that Apple is already gearing up for a big release later this year.

According to China Times, unnamed suppliers claim that Apple has called for chip making companies to begin production on 2.5 to three million iWatches. The technology will supposedly use system-in-package (SIP) chip design instead of printed circuit boards, which was previously thought to be the case. The SIP chip will save space, allowing for a larger battery to fit into the tiny device, but could cause productions issues. If the SIP component fails, the entire chipset must be replaced.

Sources also claim that the three companies in charge of producing the SIPs are Kinsus Interconnect, NanyaPCB, and ASE Group.

According to supplies, Apple has only requested about three million devices at this time, but plans to begin a second round of production after the next quarter, yielding 14 to 15 million units.

This information seems a bit more based in reality than previous production rumors. Earlier this month, Economic Daily News reported that Apple ordered 65 million iWatch units to be ready by August of this year. Since Apple’s most popular product, the iPhone, doesn’t even reach that level of popularity, it makes more sense that the company would start with a production number more closely in tune with iPad sales.

In addition to the supposed SIP chipmakers listed above, rumors suggest that TPK will be producing the touch panel. Although leaks from the supply chain seem to have conflicting information, one thing they all seem to agree on is that Apple will launch an iWatch this fall.

[Via: Electronista]

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