Jony Ive Discusses Tim Cook, Hints at Upcoming Products with ‘New Materials’

It’s a question many of us have asked ourselves at one point or another since Steve Jobs passed away in 2011: Is Apple still the design leader it once was? Apple’s design chief Jony Ive certainly seems to think so, or so he claims in an Q&A with the New York Times on the heels of the Gray Lady’s larger piece on Tim Cook this weekend. Not only is Apple’s approach to design in a good place, Ive says, but the company is about to extend it to products with “materials we haven’t worked in before.”

Ive understandably remains vague about the specifics of these new products, but past rumors may indicate what’s on the table. Large-scale production of sapphire crystal displays for the rumored “iWatch” and iPhone 6 seem all but a given, for instance, particularly in light of information