Mac Pro gets the iFixit teardown treatment

The new Mac Pro has gotten a teardown by the folks over at iFixit. Unlike some other recent Apple products, iFixit seems quite impressed with the repairability of the Mac Pro. Despite some issues, such as the lack of user-upgradeable internal storage, the Mac Pro received a reparibility score of 8/10, making it fairly easy to repair.

The site notes that Apple’s new pro desktop computer is surprisingly modular despite its compact design. They praised the use of non-proprietary screws, as well as the fact that a number of components can be replaced independently. They also noted that the casing is easy to open, making both the RAM and fan easily accessible and replaceable. iFixit also says that with a bit of work, the CPU is user-replaceable.

Are you looking forward to opening up your own Mac Pro? Let us know in the comments.

Source: iFixit