Mika Review

A cross-platform stand for a post-PC world?

I will admit I wasn’t sold on Bluelounge’s Mika as just an iPad stand. Sure, it fits either an iPad or an iPad mini, in either portrait or landscape orientation, but shouldn’t most stands, especially simple ones like this? Mika is just a curved piece of solid aluminum with soft black rubber edges on the top part (which supports the back of your device) and the bottom lip (which hold your device in place). It doesn’t adjust to different angles or fold flat for travel.

But then I slid aside my usual MacBook Pro stand and tried Mika instead. I primarily use a mid-2010 15-inch MacBook Pro, hooked up to a Cinema Display in lid-closed mode. And Mika, despite its footprint of less than 4-by-5 inches and svelte weight of 7.2 ounces, held that 5.6-pound laptop with no problem. I was impressed. The viewing angle, when used with iPads, is perfect for FaceTime or watching videos, if a little too vertical for doing a lot of touch-typing.

The bottom line. Mika scores points for ably holding your iPad, MacBook Air, and I guess your non-Apple tablets and ultrabooks too. As if.

Review Synopsis
