Mobile Digital Art & Creativity Summit: an Event Focused on All Aspects of Mobile Creativity

Cellist by Claire Iris Schencke

I’m a long-time and big-time admirer of art created on iPads, as many of you will know if you’ve been a reader of iPad Insight for any length of time. So right about now I’m wishing I lived somewhere near Palo Alto, California – so that I could go and enjoy this Mobile Digital Art & Creativity Summit.

It strikes me as both a celebration of the wonderful work done by iPad artists and also a chance for those artists, and aspiring digital artists, to collaborate and learn. That’s just my quick take though – here’s a far better introduction via the organizers of this event:

Three days of FUN, ART and CREATIVITY!
The 3-day weekend kicks off on Friday, August 1st with the Grand Opening of the 2nd Annual Mobile Digital Art Exhibition, displaying the work of over 100 artists and, once again, attracting major media attention.
The Grand Opening is followed by a two-day…

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