Morning Report: 80M iPhone 6 Orders, MacBook Air “Stickers” Commercial

Apple Stickers commercial

If you love Facebook, you now have extra incentive to stay within those gated walls: On Tuesday, the social network announced the launch of Save on Facebook, a new option that delivers a built-in “read later” style service for saving links, places, and even movie, TV, or music pages for quick, easy access from mobile or web. Save on Facebook is rolling out to iOS, Android, and web “over the next few days,” so keep an eye out for it as you’re perusing this edition of the Mac|Life Morning Report!

Apple to Manufacture Upwards of 80M iPhone 6 Models This Year

Rumors about Apple planning to assemble a record number of iPhone 6 units aren’t exactly new, but when The Wall Street Journal reports it as fact, we tend to sit up and take notice. On Tuesday, the hallowed news outlet indeed appeared to confirm recent scuttlebutt that Apple is “preparing for its largest initial production run of iPhones,” with suppliers lined up to manufacture “between 70 million and 80 million units combined” between now and December 30.

Needless to say, that head-splitting number includes both the 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch models which have been rumored for some time. For comparison, last year’s launch of the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c were said to produce initial orders in the 50 to 60 million range, so clearly Apple executives are anticipating an even more insatiable demand from consumers when the iPhone 6 launches this fall.

Apple Debuts New MacBook Air Commercial, “Stickers”

At the recent unveil of Surface Pro 3, Microsoft made a big deal out of how much people love the MacBook Air — and now Apple has apparently decided to jump on their own bandwagon with a new television commercial celebrating its slimmest notebook computer.

Entitled “Stickers,” the spot celebrates “all the many ways people love the MacBook Air” by decorating them with decals ranging from iconic characters such as Peanuts, Pac-Man, Wonder Woman, Catwoman, and Mickey Mouse to more traditional markings like sunglasses, hats, and headphones — including the familiar Beats logo, which is now part of the Apple family.

Featuring music from artist and producer Hudson Mohawke, “Stickers” ends with the tagline, “The notebook people love,” and with good reason — MacBook Air is also the least expensive notebook, starting at a mere $899.