Morning Report: iOS 8.0.2 Now Available, iPhone 6 Lands in 22 More Countries

iPhone 6 side-by-side

Between bending phones, iOS 8.0.1, and the Bash security flaw on OS X, Apple seems to be taking it on the chin from nearly every front — but that isn’t stopping Cupertino from keeping its eye on the prize, with the iPhone 6 going on sale today as scheduled in 22 more locales. Our Friday Morning Report also looks at iOS 8.0.2 and a new home automation solution from Loxone, so let’s dive right in…

Apple Releases iOS 8.0.2, Offers Apology to 40K Affected Users

Well, that was quick: Apple wasted no time releasing iOS 8.0.2 on Thursday evening, just a day after the previous iOS 8.0.1 update wreaked havoc on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus models, causing them to lose cellular connectivity and Touch ID.

“iOS 8.0.2 is now available for users, it fixes an issue that affected iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who downloaded iOS 8.0.1, and includes improvements and bug fixes originally in iOS 8.0.1,” Apple told TechCrunch in a statement. “We apologize for inconveniencing the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who were impacted by the bug in iOS 8.0.1.”

According to CNBC Tech’s Twitter feed, Apple claims “less than 40,000” iPhone 6 devices were affected by the iOS 8.0.1 snafu, which was yanked shortly after being first released on Wednesday.

iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus Now Available in 22 More Countries

Apple is just barely keeping up with demand for the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus models in the US, but that isn’t stopping Cupertino from blazing a trail forward. Tthe new smartphone models went on sale around midnight local time in a long list of other countries, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey and United Arab Emirates.

Right out of the gate, a report from MacRumors