Mr. Reader iPad RSS App Gets a Big Update

Mr Reader RSS app

The Mr. Reader RSS app for iPad has had a big (big!) update today, to Version 2.0.2. There are new features, improvements and fixes added for a number of its supported backend services, including Feedly, Feedbin, and Feed Wrangler.

Here is the lengthy change list for this update:

• BazQux: Reordering of folders and feeds implemented
• Feedly: Implemented the missing ‘migrate’ functionality of the ‘Subscriptions Checker’
• Extended the ‘more’ menu (tap&hold a feed) with ‘Copy Website URL’, ‘Copy Feed URL’, ‘Email Subscription’ and ‘Open In Subscriptions Checker’
• Improved the App state restoration after a restart
• Facebook: Replaced the deprecated web based share dialog by my own implemenation
• Fever: New account setting (only when…

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