New ProductiveMacs bundle offers Mac Gems on the cheap

As longtime Mac Gems readers know, I rarely cover bundles or promotions—only when a particular sale offers readers a great deal on a number of great Mac apps.

That’s the case with the current ProductiveMacs bundle, which includes seven quality apps—five of them past Mac Gems, with another also earning a high Macworld rating—for just $30. Here’s what three Hamiltons will get you:

Default Folder X icon

Default Folder X by St. Clair Software (4.5-mouse rating; normally $35): We haven’t reviewed Default Folder in several versions—we should remedy that—but earlier this year I explained why it’s one of the apps I can’t live without. I’ll just quote myself from that article, and then let you read the rest of the article for the details: “Once you’ve used Default Folder X for a while, OS X’s stock file-navigation dialogs feel crippled and half-baked.”

Keyboard Maestro icon

Keyboard Maestro by Stairways (4.5-mouse rating; normally $36): If you’ve ever thought “I wish there was a way to automate this process,” no matter how basic or complex that process might be, Keyboard Maestro is worth a look. This utility lets you string together series of actions into macros, and then call on those macros at any time with a click or keypress. The latest version significantly fleshes out the app’s capabilities, making it even more powerful, but also easier to use.

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