Notable New iPad Apps: Race to the Pennant

Race to the Pennant iPad app

Race to the Pennant is a nice looking new app for baseball fans on Opening Day that I spotted via a mention at Daring Fireball. Here’s a little of its App Store description:

Race to the Pennant is a new, fun way to keep up with the pennant races all summer long! Watch your team as it advances in its division throughout the year, and – hopefully – secures a place in the playoffs. Additionally, dive into the detailed win-loss record of every team, check the latest news stories for each team, and compare the teams’ recent performance. Available as a universal app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, stay in the know with Race to the Pennant!

I installed the app a little while ago and it looks good. It’s got a very colorful, simple UI – so it’s easy to swipe around and check out how your team or any of the others are doing. Here’s one more screencap, on about the…

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