Overnight Recap: #AmazonCart, Heyday Cloud Sync, Apple Patent Wrapup


Former Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts is officially now working for Apple as senior vice president of retail and online stores, and according to a filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, the new retail boss racked up a healthy $68 million signing bonus just for joining the team. Naturally, she’ll have to wait for those 113,334 restricted stock units to vest over the next four years, but hey, wouldn’t we all like to cash in before we actually do any work?

Amazon Moves Shopping to Twitter with #AmazonCart

If you happen to buy a lot of products from Amazon that you initially discover on Twitter, this one may be for you. The two companies announced #AmazonCart on Monday, a new hashtag that allows any Amazon-originated product link to be added to a customer’s shopping cart just by retweeting with the hashtag — all without leaving Twitter. The process doesn’t actually make a purchase, but rather tosses the product into your cart where it can be purchased or removed at the shopper’s discretion. Of course, the downside is you’ll have to share purchases with Twitter followers, so you might not want to purchase anything friends or family could publicly shame you about. The embedded YouTube video below explains how it works.