PadGadget’s iPad Tips: Guide for iPad App Gets New iOS 7 Look

Guide-for-iPad-app 1Welcome to the weekly installment of our tips, tricks and tutorials. Each week, we give you advice and information on how to get the best out of your iPad. Last time, we told you how to get movies of all different types onto your iPad using the VLC for iOS app. You never have to worry about file types again.

This week, we have an app that features a how-to guide for learning about your iPad. Plus, it has been updated to look good with iOS 7.

Guide for iPad is a helpful how-to app that gives you all of the basics for utilizing your Apple tablet to the best of its abilities. Learn how to use multi-touch gestures, including swipe-to-swap apps using four fingers, how to turn on private browsing in Safari, and much more.

The app was recently updated to complement the new look of iOS 7. Instead of skeuomorphic textures and gradients, the design is flat and colorful with color-coded chapters and animated text that moves and fades as you interact with it.

You will get hundreds of tips, tricks and secrets, including two new chapters: How to Get Google Maps and How to use Speak Selection. The app is full of useful information on the iPad, iPad mini, and iOS 6. Presumably, when iOS 7 hits, the app will be updated to reflect the new features.

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After you’ve learned all there is to know about Apple’s tablets, you can take a quiz to test your comprehension. Soon, you’ll be the expert that your friends turn to when they need help with their iPad.

Guide for iPad is available in the App Store for $0.99. You can also try out the lite version for free, which includes eight of the chapters, plus a six-question quiz. Download it today and become the smartest iPad owner you know.

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