Pagico Review

Check the Dashboard to see what deadlines are coming up.

Compared to more basic to-do apps that focus on simplicity by limiting your options, Pagico goes in the other direction. But don’t let that put you off, because this is its greatest strength. You can dump nearly anything into it: ideas, files, contacts, PDFs, images, notes, to-dos, whatever, and organize anything in your life and work.

The inbox collects everything, and you can file items into the database individually or organized into defined projects. Keyword tagging makes it easy to create Smart Collections—isolating any tasks tagged “errand” in any of your projects, for example. If you’re not a stickler for filing, the search field finds anything in seconds, no matter where it’s stored in Pagico’s database.

The Dashboard presents a neat graph of your appointments and due dates, and Pagico’s Contacts feature lets you link tasks, notes, emails, and files to contacts, for a souped-up address book. But both of these features would benefit from integration with Apple’s Calendars and Contacts apps. Keeping track of two databases, especially with your contacts, can be frustrating. Luckily, adding contacts to Pagico in the first place is a simple matter of drag and drop.

Despite Pagico’s complexity and flexibility—this is professional software, and it shows—it didn’t take us too long to get used to the interface and really start organizing our life. We found a few small annoyances, like not being able to select all the text in a comment with the Command-A shortcut, for example, but nothing major.

And unfortunately, syncing costs extra. Syncing with an iOS device requires the Pagico Plus 2 app ($14.99, universal), which includes one year of Personal Workspace, aka 100MB of cloud storage and sync. Subsequent years are $15 annually. Personal Workspace is sized for individuals, families, or small teams—up to four computers and iOS devices can use one account. For larger groups, Pagico offers Team Workspaces with a six-month free trial and flexible billing options. The syncing worked great, but we wish the cost was built in to the price of the software, as with Things and OmniFocus, although those two really aren’t built for teams.

The bottom line. Pagico makes keeping track of complex projects a simpler task, so you can focus on the work.

Review Synopsis
