Purported iPad mini parts caught on camera

Purported iPad mini parts caught on camera

With the iPad mini still set for unveiling this month, part leaks are likely to happen. Apple seems better able to guard against new products slipping out than updates, but the supply chain is big and long and there’s just too many companies and people involved to keep everything behind locked vaults anymore. All that to preamble these pictures, which UkrainianiPhone sent our way, along with these highlights:

Mini Jack place Mount of plastic WiFi cover NanoSim tray sticked to back panel for transportation mount for Lightning connector

Now one of the shots does appear to be an original Kindle display rather than the display we expect to see on an iPad mini — namely a scaled down iPad display — but otherwise everything seems to be where you’d expect it to be. As UkrainiPhone also points out, if accurate, Apple’s anodized aluminum process will also be brought over from the iPhone 5 to the iPad mini.

So yes, Darth Vader-black and Storm Trooper white might not only come in 4-inches, but 7.85-inches this holiday season.

Nothing is official until Apple shows it off on stage, but if you’re aching for a potential peak behind the October event curtain, hit the link bellow for a couple more pics.

Source: UkrainianiPhone

Ipad Miniparts leaksNews