Report Claims People Less Happy with iPhone Than a Year Ago

Are you as happy with your iPhone as you were last year? If not, you may not be alone, according to a recent survey which reveals Apple has dropped two percent from its position in 2012.

CNET reported Monday that a new American Customer Satisfaction Index report shows that Apple’s iPhone has slipped two points from last year, a phenomenon also experienced by Android handset makers HTC and LG.

In 2012, the iPhone enjoyed a customer satisfaction score of 83 (out of 100), ranking it the highest of all competitors. That’s still the case this year, although the two percent drop to 81 coupled with a five percent jump for second-place Motorola appears to be closing the gap (from 73 to 77).

ACSI cell phone satisfaction

Strangely, goliath Samsung only ranks fifth on the ACSI chart, but the Korean manufacturer is clearly on the rise, jumping seven percent from 71 in 2012 to 76 this year. BlackBerry ranks dead last with a score of 69, which remains unchanged from a year ago.

As usual, we wouldn’t read too much into these kind of surveys, unless you’re the type who already looks at Apple and thinks the sky is falling. After all, overall satisfaction with cellular phones increased 2.7 percent over the last year, which should be good news for everyone…

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(Image courtesy of CNET and ACSI)