Review: Prismatic for iPad – Gathering the Best News and Articles Automatically

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With the onslaught of digital content, a lot of smart companies have launched news aggregation apps for the iPad in the last several years. Zite and Flipboard are the two news aggregation apps on my iPad home screen, and I tend to favor Zite over Flipboard. However, I’m always interested in trying a new news aggregation app, and Prismatic is the latest contender.

It should be mentioned that overshadowing all of these worthy companies and their apps is Facebook, the 600 pound gorilla, and their launch of Paper for iPhone. There’s no iPad-specific version of Paper yet, but it will certainly arrive soon.

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For the sake of this review and conversation, I’m distinguishing between news aggregation apps and RSS readers such as Feedly, Mr. Reader, etc.. Prismatic, like Zite and Flipboard, is using an algorithm to sift and present the best content – articles, videos,…

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