RUMOR: iOS 7 to Feature Major Redesign


iOS 7 will be “very, very flat” according to a 9to5Mac source. I hope this rumor is false because I think it would be a  dumb move to abandon the beautiful interface in the current version of iOS for a flat 1980s look of  Windows Phone.

According to multiple people who have either seen or have been briefed on the upcoming iOS 7, the operating system sports a redesigned user-interface that will be attractive to new iOS users, but potentially unsettling for those who are long-accustomed to the platform…

The new interface is said to be “very, very flat,” according to one source. Another person said that the interface loses all signs of gloss, shine, and skeuomorphism seen across current and past versions of iOS. Another source framed the new OS as having a level of “flatness” approaching recent releases of Microsoft’s Windows Phone “Metro” UI.

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