Rumor Rundown: What People Are Saying About Today’s Media Event

Sept. 9 Media Event

In just a few hours, Apple will hold a media event that may be the company’s largest product launch in history. Rumor has it that Apple will launch a new, larger iPhone, an iPad refresh, and unveil the much-anticipated iWatch. This morning, the tech world is a-buzz with all sorts of speculation on what we can expect. We’ve got a rundown of what is being talked about.

U2 to Make an Appearance

Last week, we got word that U2 might perform after the big announcement today, fueled by speculation that the mysterious “white box” temporary building in front of the Flint Center was a concert hall. Today, the New York Times reported that the infamous rock band would play a “significant part” in Apple’s media event. U2 will supposedly reveal an “integration with Apple’s product that is connected to its next album.”

Mayo Clinic to Demo Health app

It is no secret that Apple has been working closely with the most iconic name in health care. The Star Tribune [Via: MacRumors] claims that staff of the Mayo Clinic will be on the stage today to demonstrate how data from the Health app can work in conjunction with management systems of major health centers. Rumor has it the group will show off the software on the iWatch.

Faster A8 Processor Chip

Apple fans know that the company always updates its processor when it launches a new model of iOS device. How much faster it makes things run is the question. Supposedly, the A8 chipset has already been tested and Cult of Mac got ahold of the results. According to the unconfirmed data, the iPhone 6 has been clocked at 1.4GHz, which is only incrementally faster than the iPhone 5s, which reaches 1.3Ghz.

iWallet Rewards Program

Just a few days ago, we discovered that Apple was negotiating with major financial institutions to get a better deal on credit card transaction fees. The same financial news organization to leak the credit card deal, Bank Innovation [Via: Apple Insider], also claims that Apple is working on a loyalty program that may be tied with iTunes. Apple has supposedly been talking with major retailers for the purpose of building partnership programs.

Of course, this is just a handful of new rumors that have developed over the past 24-hours. We can also hope to see the new iPad Air, iPhone, and iWatch at today’s event. We may even see a larger screen iPad Pro, an Apple TV update, and there may be a new line of iPod touch devices in the pipeline.

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