Samsung Plans Mass Production of Flexible Mobile Displays

Samsung Flexible Mobile DisplaysThanks to a little incident earlier this year between Samsung and Apple — you know, that $1.05 billion incident — competition is higher than ever between the rival companies. Today, Samsung has announced its plans to move forward with flexible OLED displays for mobile devices. Are bendy screens enough to win the patent war?

According to Wall Street Journal, Samsung’s recently formed division, Samsung Mobile Display, is going forward with its intentions to mass-produce flexible, plastic screens.

The pliable displays ditch the glass, combining a plastic structure with thin OLEDs to produce mobile screens less susceptible to shattering. While the technology has actually been tossed around tech circles for quite some time, no company has moved into mass production, as there’s no guarantee the new displays will click with consumers.

But as Samsung and Apple still duke it out in courtrooms worldwide, debating similarities or even the “cool” factor of devices, Samsung may see an opportunity to differentiate its future smartphone models from the iPhone.