Skype’s iPad and iPhone app get iOS 7 Update and New Accessibility Features

Skype Update

App updates for iOS 7 continue to trickle in and the latest version of Skype brings a refreshed look that is aligned with iOS 7 and several new accessibility features. THe update is listed as version 4.13 and seems to be a stable upgrade.

I use Skype more often than FaceTime or Google Video Chat. More people I work with have it installed and it seems to work the best overall. The biggest problem I ever face is trying to do a video chat over slow wireless or in a lecture room where 50 students are all connected to the same router. Skype has always been the most reliable.

The accessibility features include the following improvements:

Improved accessibility of dialpad with touchtype support
VoiceOver announces the senders name when messaging
VoiceOver improvements for group chats

Mobile devices are making an impact with consumers who have special needs and I’m proud of companies like Apple and Skype for incorporating features which are helpful to these users. I believe these companies are truly making a difference.

The last piece of this news is that version 4.13 still supports the original iPad and the iPhone 3GS. So if you are still using a dated device then you should still be able to connect with Skype. Of course you’ll have much better network connectivity on devices which support 4G LTE, but most speedy WiFi connections will be good enough for all devices.

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