Steve Jobs’ First iPhone Call Still Inspiring Pranksters

Fans of Apple and its products likely remember the first time they saw the iPhone, way back in 2007. Everything seemed new and amazing, and Steve Jobs was still leading the charge. And who can forget the very first public phone call ever made from that iOS device, a funny little prank ordering 4,000 lattes from Starbucks? Apparently, the barista at Starbucks can’t forget; people remind her all the time.

Speaking to Fast Company, the Starbucks employee at the other end of that call, Ying Hang “Hannah” Zhang, is still with the San Francisco location. Apparently, the store still gets quite a few calls, ordering thousands of lattes.

“After he made the call, everyone copied him, prank calling our store and ordering thousands of lattes — to this day,” said Zhgang.