T-Mobile to drop ‘iPhone’ references from ‘Bring Your Own Device’ campaigns?


Right before Apple was set to launch the iPhone 5 in mid-September, the nation’s fourth-largest/iPhone-less carrier T-Mobile prepared an agressive campaign to capture iPhone users on its network. Coincidentally launched on Sept. 21, T-Mobile promises up-to $1200 in savings over AT&T for unlocked iPhone users. T-Mobile even has a nanoSIM just for those making the switch, along with trained T-Mobile salespeople that are able to instruct users on unlocking in-store, but they will not physically open the devices. This is an unprecedented move, especially for a device that T-Mobile does not officially carry.

Today, TmoNews reports that T-Mobile has issued an internal memo that says the company will no longer use Apple or iPhone in its “Unlimited & Unlocked” campaign. It is not clear if Apple lawyers’ intervened but we have reached out to T-Mobile for clarification. T-Mobile will continue to carry iPhones for demonstration purposes and advice

Update: A T-Mobile spokesperson told us the following:

T-Mobile’s planned efforts have not changed.  As noted in T-Mobile’s September 10th blog – http://blog.t-mobile.com/2012/09/10/t-mobile-steps-up-bring-your-own-iphone-efforts/ – T-Mobile has stepped up its Bring your own device efforts – which include unlocked iPhones.  These efforts began in September and will continue as planned this fall.