The iPad mini Display – Not So Bad After All

iPad mini screencap

I’ve been using the iPad mini, heavily, for over a month now. I also used a Kindle Fire HD for a few weeks and have been using a Nexus 7 for a few weeks now as well.

The Kindle Fire HD, just like last year’s model, left me unmoved and rarely interested in using it. The Nexus 7 is a lot more interesting and I’ve spent a lot more time with it, and I’m still just getting to know it.

One thing that’s becoming more and more clear to me as the weeks go by is how much the iPad mini’s display is growing on me. It’s not retina and text is definitely nowhere near as sharp, but I find my eyes feel far les strained when reading for a few hours on the iPad mini than on the Kindle Fire HD or Nexus 7.

I’m also finding that for photos and video the iPad mini display is not too bad at all. Yesterday I was watching a Saturday Night Live episode on Hulu Plus and Rihanna cam on as the musical guest – and the colors and sharpness of the screen just really struck me, so I though I’d share a couple screenshots.


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© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2012. |
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