The iPad mini: what to look forward to

The newest in the iPads is set to hit the stores in just a few weeks, with an anticipated release date of November 2nd after its launch this week on the 23rd. 

The media event should be a good one this week, and we’re assuming that the star of the show will me the new iPad, with a smaller 7.8-inch display and a low cost of about $250.

The rumours have told us that the up and coming iPad Mini is going to be better than ever, with a smaller, more portable exterior and lots of perks on the inside.

We’ve learned about the display is, as mentioned above, 7.8-inches, and keeps the iPad 2′s 1024 by 768 pixel resolution so it will easily run all of the apps we need — and keep app developers happy.

It’s also a lot more affordable, making it a good option for those who need and want the convenience, but can’t spend the bigger bucks. It also lets it compete with other tablets, such as the those by Google and Kindle, which, right now, are just a smallish percentage of what the iPads cost.

The iPad 3 was pretty different than the iPad 2, but the iPad mini is set to be a little more by our favourite second generation device. Because of that, we anticipate that the iPad 2 will be set to destruct, while the newest version will be, well, simply a better version of it. We assume, given some photos around the web, along with Apple’s history, that there will be both front and rear cameras, making it equipped for Facetime and along the same lines as everything iPhone 4 forward. The thing is, it must be missing a few features, too, because how can they all be crammed in there? But we suppose that if anyone is going to find a way, it’ll be Apple… and that is yet to come.

Along with the cameras, we can also anticipate that there will be a smaller Lightning connector port, given that it is already on the iPod Nano, iPod Touch, and iPhone 5. And since the iPad Mini is an iOS device as well, it should definitely be equipped. The smaller device also lends itself for being more kid-friendly, so your toddler who already has free reign of your device can now hold it even easier at a younger age. But that isn’t the only option for kids. iPads are making there way into schools as a part of the standard must-haves, and because they are used in classrooms (especially for students with special needs), we think that the affordable, smaller device will have more of an education background to it.

We have to credit Apple developers for its October launch… conveniently the same time that Microsoft is going to be announcing Windows 8. But we have a feeling who might steal the show.

We’re looking forward to the launch this week and surely will keep you updated, along with a few reviews as soon as we can get our hands on one. Either way, this new launch is definitely a step in the right direction, mostly because of its price point, but we’ll see how well equipped it is compared to its predecessors.