The Wolf Among Us Episode 1: Faith Review

Somewhere in 1980s New York lives a hidden community of fairy-tale refugees, called Fables, who fled their homes centuries ago when they were invaded by the monstrous armies of a being called The Adversary. They’ve been living in the Big Apple since it was New Amsterdam, and in that time their old rivalries and grudges (as well as the stresses of day-to-day city life) have made them more than a little dysfunctional. The only creature tough enough to keep everyone in line (and safe from detection) is the Big Bad Wolf, who walks the streets in human form as Fabletown’s sheriff, Bigby Wolf.

That’s the premise behind The Wolf Among Us, an episodic noir crime drama that tasks Bigby with keeping the peace and solving a series of gruesome murders. Like Telltale Games’ previous effort, 2012’s excellent The Walking Dead, this involves a mix of point-and-click investigation, often-bloody action sequences driven by simple keyboard and mouse prompts, and conversations that (depending on your choices) can alter the course of the story and determine what kind of a peacekeeper Bigby actually is. He can be polite, abrasive, compassionate, or needlessly violent, and other characters will respond to him according to his actions — which, as the series continues, could have unexpectedly big repercussions down the road.