This Is Probably What The iPad 5 Will Look Like

iPad 5 mockup

You are looking at a mockup of what the iPad 5 (right) will almost certainly look like. Side-by-side with the existing iPad (left), it’s slightly smaller with thinner bezels on the sides, and basically looks like a 10″ version of the iPad Mini.

What’s the basis of this speculation? Outside of the obvious design trend Apple is moving in, MacRumors had these mockups commissioned based on the most recent reliable rumors and part leaks, with the renderings taking queues from the similarly designed slate aluminum enclosures found on iPad Mini and iPhone 5. The result is the beautiful imaginary device seen in the pictures, and though they’re just renderings for now, it’s probable the shipped next-gen iPad will look more or less identical.

Check out more iPad 5 mockups at higher resolution over on MacRumors

Fans of the matte aluminum surfaces gracing other new iOS devices should be pleased with the appearance, and the next iPad will almost certainly have the same dramatic weight loss and thinness of both the Mini and redesigned iPhone.

Renderings are fun to look at but it’s very important to remember these are mockups based on rumors, and nothing is certain until Apple announces such a device, which is likely to be in the fall. Should that happen, the iOS family lineup might look something like this:

iPad 5 mockup