Tick Review

Every new to-do app that hits the App Store claims to be innovative. Most manage to put their own spin on things with a fresh interface or a clever concept, but for the most part they’re all pretty much interchangeable, no matter how much we may favor one over the other. Tick breaks the mold. There are no new methods here – it’s still just a place to keep your many lists – but Taphive has designed a unique interface built for speed and organization that puts the app in a class by itself.

Tick’s modular design is somewhat reminiscent of Windows Phone’s interface, with brightly colored squares identified by instantly recognizable icons. It’s behind these tiles where you’ll find your lists, making it incredibly easy to navigate between them. Rather than scanning a lengthy series of titles, Tick’s color-coded shapes will organize your life unlike any other to-do app you’ve used.

There’s a refreshing level of customization at work here that isn’t simply cosmetic. Every tile can be given its own background and icon, but we’re not talking about a basic set of colors and pictures. A color wheel provides an endless array of shades, and a library of 64 icons gives each tile its own identity. Tiny numbers let you know what’s waiting to be done inside, but unlike other to-do apps, you won’t necessarily want to delete a list when you’re finished with it. Boxes can be easily arranged and edited, so you can keep inactive squares around without them getting in the way of your current tasks.

We enjoyed Tick’s fresh take on our tasks, but a few interface oddities detract from the experience. The method of deletion – dragging a square to the bomb at the end of the column – proves a little tricky, especially when you have to scroll past the bottom of the screen. We also wish there was a heavier use of gestures, especially when it comes to editing tiles.

The bottom line. If you make a lot of lists, Tick’s interface will dazzle you.

Review Synopsis
