Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous Review

Tilt to Live wasn’t easy when it debuted in 2010, and its sequel certainly isn’t easy today. To some degree, you can consider Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous the anti-Asteroids: using tilt controls to command a little arrow avatar, you must rid the screen of all collision-causing obstacles, only instead of shooting them it’s a matter of avoiding them for as long as you can hold out. Basically, you’ll want to keep your arrow from touching plagues of red dots that will hunt you to the ends of the earth in various patterns and formations.

Like an Asteroids ship, your arrow isn’t strong — a single hit ends the game — and this sequel kicks up the difficulty even further. Luckily, you have help in the form of randomized floating power-ups, from detonating nukes (enemies within its blast radius die) to outfitting your arrow with a disguise that sends colliding dots pushing off of you. Achievements are integrated nicely here; the more you rack up, the more new power-ups you unlock.

This sequel isn’t called “Redonkulous” for nothing. Threading your way through malevolent dot clusters, you’ll want to cut a path through as many power-ups as possible, both to keep your combo meter up and to create a hail of real-time chaos as homing machineguns, missiles, maces, and even asteroids fill the screen with screaming activity. Even more insane are the game’s screen-filling new bosses, which challenge you to knock out a number of targets while, say, a giant tri-bladed chainsaw moves erratically around, daring you to hit its weak points without getting touched.

Oddly, unlike the original game, Tilt to Live 2 currently only has two game modes: the ramping-up difficulty of Classic or the utter madness of Code Red, which throws you to the wolves right away. This is pretty straightforward, score-based survival, though its breakneck pace isn’t for everyone.

The bottom line. Take Redonkulous lightly at your peril – the gameplay here is hardcore with a vengeance.

Review Synopsis
