Tim Cook: Google Glass Probably Won’t Be A Mass Market Item


Tim Cook just took the stage at All Things D’s, D11 tech conference to be interviewed by Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher. Cook was asked for his opinion on wearable technology, and despite his belief that wearables could be a “profoundly interesting area,” Cook said he has a hard time believing Google Glass will find success with a mainstream audience.

Regarding Google Glass specifically, Cook said the following:

“It’s probably not likely to be a mass market item. It’s probably more likely to appeal to certain markets. But wearables as a broader market, could be a profoundly interesting area of technology.”

Rumors surfaced earlier this year that Apple has a team of 100 employees working on a smartwatch. The ‘iWatch’ is rumored to launch at either the end of 2013 or 2014, but Apple has refused to comment on such a project.

Cook noted during the interview that he wears a Nike Fuelband, and commended Nike on doing a great job with the product. Tim Cook is also a member of Nike’s board of directors.

Regarding other successful wearables, Cook said:

“Most of the good ones on the market do only one thing. The ones that do more than one thing don’t do anything particularly well. There’s lots fo things to solve in this space, it’s ripe for exploration. Lots of companies will be doing things in this space.”

When prodded for more information regarding Apple’s future plans in the space, Tim Cook predictably declined to comment.