Tim Cook To Be Interviewed At D11 Conference Tonight

Tim Cook at the D conference last year.

Tim Cook at the D conference last year.

Tim Cook’s appearance at the AllThingsD conference (D10) last year was his first as the main man in charge of Apple. He talked about Apple’s role in the invention of the tablet form factor, the increaseing relevance of the Apple TV, and cleverly avoided other topics. The highlights of his chat can be found online, as well.

This year, he returns to D11, kicking off the conference with another interview with Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher.

It will be super interesting to see what Cook has to say this year, after a full one as Apple’s CEO. He’s most recently had to deal with Apple’s tax policy, the slow decline of Apple’s stock price, and the looming shadow of competitors like Google and Samsung.

Add to all of that a rabid fan and detractor base, and Cook has his work cut out for him. While Mossberg and Swisher were fairly gentle with Cook last year, they could turn up the heat a bit this year, now that Cook has had a year to settle in at Cupertino HQ.

The interview starts up at 6 pm Pacific tonight, and you can tune in at AllThingsD’s own web page.

Source: All Things D

The post Tim Cook To Be Interviewed At D11 Conference Tonight appeared first on Cult of Mac.

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