Todoist for iPad Updated for iOS 7 & Adds Background Sync

Todoist iPad app

The excellent Todoist to-do app for the iPad and iPhone has been updated for iOS 7 today. Fittingly, the new version number is Todoist 7.0.

This update brings a new look that follows iOS 7 design cues, and also Background Sync using iOS 7’s new multitasking capabilities. That’s a big plus, especially for premium users – although I have to say the sync in Todoist was already superb.

Here’s the full change list for Todoist Version 7.0:

Optimized for iOS 7!
Amazing new look
Vivid, colourful, and streamlined, Todoist now reflects the iOS 7 look.
Background sync (new in iOS 7!)
Even when you’re not using it, Todoist quietly syncs tasks across all your devices. Free users get 6 free background syncs during the day, while Premium users get live background sync across all the platforms.

I’m a big power user when it comes to to-do / task management apps. I’ve…

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