Todoist To Do List Now Has an iPad App and It Looks Great

Todoist To Do List for iPad

The Todoist To Do List | Task List app has an iPad version. The app was just updated yesterday to Version 6.0 and became a universal app, with a full iPad version – and it looks just great. I’d looked at Todoist before and been impressed, but the lack of an iPad version had been a dealbreaker for me,

I’ve just installed the iPad version and the Mac app this morning and I am impressed again. In fact, I’m super excited about this app. I’m obsessive about task lists and task management and rely on them heavily to run my life and work. And this app looks like a serious contender to displace my current task management app, Wunderlist.

I switched to Wunderlist primarily because of its cross-platform support – so I could run it on my iPads and on my Galaxy Note 2 and more. Todoist checks off the same boxes in this area – great looking iPad app, nice Android app, good web app,…

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