Todoist Updated: Now Lets You Attach Files to Tasks, Supports Dropbox & Google Drive

Todoist iPad app

The superb Todoist to-do and task manager iPad app was updated yesterday, to Version 8.2. It’s not a big update in terms of a lengthy list of changes, but it adds a big, powerful new feature – the ability to upload files to your tasks.

The app now has integration with Dropbox and Google Drive so it’s easy to add files to tasks from two of the most popular online file sharing / storage services.

Here’s the full change list for this latest update to Todoist:

• Native support for uploading any kind of file to your Todoist tasks.
• Record, attach, and play audio notes into any task, from any project.
• Integration with G-Drive and Dropbox for in-task document management.
• In-task thumbnails and file icons based on each file type.

Todoist is one of my favorite and most-used apps, and I rely on it to manage tasks for my day job, for iPad Insight, and for home and…

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