Tydlig: An Incredible Alternative Calculator for iPad

Tydlig for iPad

Tydlig is the calibre of calculator goodness that the iPad canvas deserves. Most of its graphical and scientific functions are more powerful than I ever have need for — but even a layman like me can appreciate how beautifully it blends calculations with the free-form flexibility of a whiteboard.

I think it’s downright silly that there isn’t a default calculator app on the iPad, but if Apple does eventually get around to designing one, they should be aware that the bar has been raised. The combo of text labels, linkable numbers, and an infinite canvas provide great ways to visualize and check sets of numbers.

Using Tydlig to do a quick calculation of “55 * 75 = 4125” works like it would on any other regular calculator. The magic happens when you start labeling and linking individual factors. I’ll add the label Price to “55” and add # to “75”, which provides context…

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