U.S. Winter Olympic Athletes Use $5 iPad App to Help Them Train

2014 Winter OlympicsIn three days, the 2014 Winter Olympics will begin. Leading up to the big event, sports writers focus on profile stories on some of the top athletes. Recently, Yahoo Sports profiled a couple of members of Tea USA. According to the article, both Patrick Deneen and Billy Demong use the iPad in connection with a $5 app during training.

The app in question, Coach’s Eye, lets you record an athlete’s performance and play it back immediately in regular speed or slow motion so you can analyze every detail of the action.

Coach’s Eye also features drawing tools so coaches can annotate the video and send it to players to identify areas that need to be focused on.

“We shoot multiple angles of every jump he does and it has changed the way we coach,” said Pat Deneen, Patrick’s father and coach. “We hit ‘analyze’ and it breaks it down, frame by frame, in high resolution. We make our notes, and send it on up the hill.”

Demong, who won gold in the 2010 Winter Olympics for the Nordic event uses Coach’s Eye to train, as well. He told Yahoo Sports that he couldn’t believe how far technology has progressed during his 20-year career. “It is amazing. Who knows what things will be like in another 20 years time?” Demong said.

Back in 2012, we listed Coach’s Eye as one of the iPad apps coaches could use to help facilitate their duties. Maybe Deneen and Demong’s coaches were following our stories back then. Or, maybe it’s just that great minds think alike.

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