Weekend iPad Wallpapers: Grey Glow & Simple Color Backgrounds

Green Glow iPad wallpaper

This weekend’s iPad wallpaper choices are more simple, single-color backgrounds. There’s a lot to be said for simple backgrounds as iPad wallpaper – especially in terms of keeping the app icons strong and easy to identify on home screens.

My three choices this week start with the very deep, dark green image shown above. This one and all the choices this week are uploads from Brett Jordan (no relation) to our iPad Insight Flickr group.Brett is by far and away the most prolific contributor to the group, and I ‘m very grateful for all of his sharing.

Hit the break for a couple more of this style walls …


Read the rest of Weekend iPad Wallpapers: Grey Glow & Simple Color Backgrounds (95 words)

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2012. |
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