What did you think of the new iPhone event? [Poll]

What did you think of the new iPhone event?

The dust is beginning to settle somewhat, and we’re beginning to get our thoughts together after the mad hour long iPhone event today in Cupertino. There was stuff we expected, a couple of things we maybe didn’t, and a whole lot of color. The iPhone 5c provided much of that color, perhaps at a price point we weren’t expecting – or rather, we were hoping for something lower – and the iPhone 5s did indeed turn out in it’s gold outfit. Not to mention a second look at iOS 7, now in finished form as it heads our way next week.

But, what did you guys think of the goings on from California? Apple events always draw mixed reactions, from those who utterly adore every second to those who, well, don’t. New stuff doesn’t always equal good, but there’s no denying that this year’s iPhone event gave us plenty of new stuff to talk about. Drop a vote in the poll up top, and share your thoughts with us in the comments below!