Windows RT Tablet Demo = Yikes

Windows RT Tablet change orientation

Oh boy – if The Verge’s recent video demo of Windows RT is anything to go by, Microsoft’s upcoming tablets are going to be a flat out disaster. Ross Miller took a tour around a tablet running what they reckon to be a final build of Windows RT and it makes for horror movie style viewing – all that’s missing is a scary soundtrack.

Miller struggles during large parts of the demo to get much of anything done easily with the supposedly touch interface of the tablet – including when trying to use the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet app. From early on in the demo he mentions things like …

Clearly it’s more optimized for keyboard and mouse.

The touch menus are really not suitable for touch.

Those are always good things to hear when working with a supposedly touch-based tablet.

The tablet has no accelerometer and changing the orientation via a tiny menu item looks like far from a barrel of laughs – you can check that out at about the 2:10 – 2:40 section of the video.

Dear God I hope there’s an easier way of doing it …

Miller repeatedly gets switched to ‘classic mode’ when trying to do something and concludes that if you’re going to do anything even pseudo-serious you’re going to need a mouse and keyboard.

Check out the video (linked above) and see what you think. I think unless RT tablets are going to be near 100{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} different to this by release time then they’re going to be yet another huge failure for Microsoft in the mobile arena.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2012. |
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