Working Apple I with Original Packaging Up for Auction in Germany

Like vintage Apple hardware–so much that you scoff at the idea of a mere photo book of past devices? MacRumors reports that German auction house Breker has a deal for you in the form of one of the 50 original Apple 1 units sold by The Byte Shop, Apple’s first retailers.

The actual number of the unit, 46, might be high, but it’s apparently also the only unit in existence that still has its original box. The unit even still works, and the site mentions that a “scarce photograph of the bedroom in Jobs’ parental house shows a stack of identical boxes of the first order of 50 units.” Breker expects that the unit will bring in anywhere from $300,000 to $500,000 when the auction occurs on November 16.

Much like one of the units that sold earlier this year, the unit comes with a signed document from Apple co-founded Steve Wozniak. Of the 200 total units that were produced including the original 50, very few still work today. The computers themselves sold for $666.66 when they debuted.

This one also appears to have peripherals, which marks a welcome contrast since many of the earlier versions only included the circuit board (which, indeed, is what really constitutes the Apple I). The peripherals in question include a case, a keyboard, a monitor, and associated power components.

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