World Wildlife Fund App Updated: Adds Gorilla Stories

WWF Together iPad app Gorillas

The World Wildlife Fund’s WWF Together app has been updated – adding the Gorilla as the latest endangered species covered.

The new section on gorillas notes that they are in fact one of the endangered species that most needs our help. They are apparently the most conservation dependent species on earth – and the WWF has been working for over 50 years to protect them.

This update is an internal one, there’s no need to install it via the App Store – just open up the app and unlock (for free) the new section on gorillas.

WWF Together iPad app Gorillas

Every time I think I’ve decided about which species has the most spectacular photos in WWF Together, I end up finding another that’s even more captivating. This is certainly the case again with the new photos of gorillas. With this latest update, the app now includes photos and stories on Giant Pandas, elephants, marine turtles, tigers, bison, snow…

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