You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, iPad Use Increases in Adults in 2013

iPad Use with SeniorsTechnology is for the young and young at heart. Or, at least mobile device use appears to be embraced by the younger generations more than the older ones. According to Ofcom, Adults are turning to smart phones and tablets more for their online activities. In 2013, the number of adults using tablets has doubled from 2012.

Ofcom’s Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes report shows that the number of adults using tablets to go online has almost doubled from 16 percent in 2012 to 30 percent in 2013. The report is based on surveys of UK participants aged 16 years and older. The overall adult age groups are divided into 16 – 24, 25 – 34, 35 – 64, and 65 – 74. According to the report, tablet use within the age group of 35 – 64 has doubled and the age group 65 – 75 has tripled.

The report also shows that activities of mobile device users in the 25 – 34 range has increased with more than half checking email and visiting social networking sites, four in 10 post videos and photos to sites like YouTube and Flickr, 38 percent use their device for instant messaging, and approximately 30 percent use FaceTime or Skype to make video calls.

Additionally, mobile gaming has become more popular than ever with tablet use doubling from 2012 to 2013, up 10 percent from five.

What this data shows is that people of all ages are getting used to the idea of mobile Internet activities. My mom recently told me that she doesn’t even use her laptop computer anymore. She browses the Web, check email, and visits various social networking sites multiple times per day, but uses her iPad or iPhone for those activities. Its no wonder tech analysts are predicting that tablets will outsell traditional computers within the next few years.

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